Grading Result from 17th December 2015
Results from all grade test held on the 17th December 2015. Congratulations to everyone who passed the test. Shodan Robin Ward 6th Kyu Lucy Kong 8th Kyu Ahmed Elgalli Martina
Results from all grade test held on the 17th December 2015. Congratulations to everyone who passed the test. Shodan Robin Ward 6th Kyu Lucy Kong 8th Kyu Ahmed Elgalli Martina
Results from all grade test held on the 30th September 2015. Congratulations to everyone who passed the test. 4th Kyu Mark Lowman Simon Shenton 5th Kyu Rowan Garton Vasiles Stefanis
Results from all grade test held on the 22nd July 2015. Congratulations to everyone who passed the test. 1st Kyu Justin Saunders 4th Kyu Lucas Loewethal-Stewart 6th Kyu Vasiles Stefanis
Results from intermediate test held on the 3rd* June 2015. Congratulations to everyone who passed the test. 5th Kyu Henry France Mark Lowman Simon Shenton 6th Kyu Dave McKee Jason
We are excited to announce our “3rd Annual Inter Dojo Junior Aikido Demonstration Tournament” on the 28th June 2015 at the Nottingham dojo. Following a success from the last 2