Max Loewenthal-Stewart
Assistant instructor
Everyone in the dojo knows him as Senpai Max, has been another or our home grown instructor who has been training and grown through our junior, cadet and adult programme to get to black belt.
He has been training since he was 5 and at the age of 17 he has achieved the rank of Shodan in Sep 2024.
He has always been the one who lead the class with his dedication and spirit. He has been training full time, for over 12 years, and the one everyone in our juniors and cadet classes have looked up to.
He has regularly attended many of the dojo expeditions to Poland, Japan and many other seminars in different countries, to train with some of the top instructors in the world. Chida Tsutomu Shihan, Joe Thambu Shihan, Robert Mustard Shihan, and Jacque Payet Shihan just to name a few.
He has always been helping the class since the juniors and now he is one of our youngest home grown instructors who regularly instructs our junior classes in Nottingham and Derby dojos.
Evan Man
Assistant instructor
Evan is another home grown Aikidoka from our dojo. Just like Senpai Max he has started from the age of 5 and he has gone through the junior, Cadet and Adult ranks to achieve his Shodan alongside Max in Sep 2024.
Evan has always helped the class since the young age, and he has been well known amongst all the juniors as Senpai Evan. His calm but firm persona is well respected in the dojo. When senpai Max and senpai Evan are both in the class, all the juniors are very focused and listens to their instructions. And when they often train their jiyuwaza after the class, everyone stops to admire their skills.
Evan has attended many of the seminars with the top instructors in the world. With most recent one being a Japan dojo expedition to Tokyo and Kyoto. And he has trained in Butokuden one of the most holy venue for all Japanese martial artist with Jacque Payet Shihan in Aug 2024.
He is currently helping and instructing the junior class in Nottingham and Derby dojos.