10th October 2009 Test Results
Junior all levels grading held on the 10th October 2009, congratulations to all those who tested all students showed tremendous focus and true Yoshinkan spirit – Osu. 8th Kyu Dylan
Junior all levels grading held on the 10th October 2009, congratulations to all those who tested all students showed tremendous focus and true Yoshinkan spirit – Osu. 8th Kyu Dylan
Adult all levels grading held on the 30th September 2009, congratulations to all those who tested – Osu. 4th Kyu Dave Seaton Paul Stromberg 3rd Kyu Paul Castell Phil Wells
Adult intermediate level grading held on the 28th August 2009, congratulations to all those who tested – Osu. 6th Kyu Daimon Lewis Andy Grant Genevieve Nadeau Tested By: Sensei Andy