Joe Thambu Shihan Seminar 2018
On May 5th-6th 2018, we are lucky to be hosting Aikido Shudokan’s Chief Instructor, Joe Thambu Shihan (8th dan), to Nottingham. Anyone who has met Sensei Joe will agree with me that he is not only an exceptional teacher, but man also. He heads our organisation as we stand under his and Shudokan’s tutelage so this is a fantastic chance to see the high standards we have set for us with your very own eyes!
There will be a total of 12 hours training over this weekend with training times from 10:00am – 4:00pm on both days. You can attend the weekend for £80, or just one day of your choice for £50. However, we heavily advise you to opt for the full weekend as it is not often we have teachers of such calibre at our doorstep.
Being based in Australia, anytime Joe Shihan comes to Europe it would be a shame not to see him. The world renowned instructor often has people travelling half way across the planet to be taught by him and we should not take lightly the fact that this time he is coming to us!
All classes are open class to all Yoshinkan Aikidoka and any Aikidoka. And self defence class is open to all general public and all martial artists alike. Joe Thambu shihan is world renowned for his self defence application of Aikido. So you can get the first hand experience and training of the self defence skills and restraint and removal skills.
Nottingham Seminar
- Saturday 5th May – Sunday 6th Nov 2018
Zanshin Dojo
Sneinton Hermitage Community Centre
- Both days : 10am – 4pm
- £50 for one day
- £80 for both days
If you are interested please book your place as soon as possible as the places are very limited.
Emquiries @ : Tel 07843600645 or [email protected]