2nd April 2011 Test Results
Junior all levels grading held on the 2nd April 2011, congratulations to all those who tested all students showed tremendous focus and true spirit – Osu. 8th kyu Robert Goodwin
Junior all levels grading held on the 2nd April 2011, congratulations to all those who tested all students showed tremendous focus and true spirit – Osu. 8th kyu Robert Goodwin
Adult intermediate level grading held on the 30th March 2011 congratulations to all those who tested – Osu. 8th Kyu Mark Holmes 7th kyu Fernando Fukunaga Glen Miles Chris Weston
Adult intermediate level grading held on the 23rd February 2011 congratulations to all those who tested – Osu. 6th Kyu Jeff Marshall Yura Arlachov Tested By: Sensei Mark Farr Sensei
Adult intermediate level grading held on the 11th December 2010, congratulations to all those who tested – Osu. 7th Kyu Yura Arlachov Jeff Marshall 6th Kyu David Martschenko Rachel Lunn
Adult intermediate level grading held on the 29th September 2010, congratulations to all those who tested – Osu. 8th Kyu Jeff Marshall Yuriy Arlachov Mark Rhandawa 7th Kyu James Tangen