Weekly Bulletin 27th November 2017
Hi all,
See below for information on yesterday’s 1st ever Inter-Dojo Junior Jiyu-Waza Competition; A seminar this weekend in Nottingham; and all the Christmas information you need to know!
Junior Jiyuwaza Inter-Dojo Competition
Yesterday our dojo took part in the first ever Junior Inter-Dojo Jiyuwaza Competition and it was a huge success! With over 35 participants, with around 15 from our dojo we did fantastically to win 3 of the 4 winners trophies on offer! Congratulations to everyone involved, every single one of you represented our dojo well and made me, Sensei Tad, all the spectators, your parents, and yourselves very proud!
Special congratulations to:
The standard has been set very highly for future years competitions and everyone involved is already looking forward to making next years even bigger and better!
Seminar with Neil Saunders Sensei (6th Dan) at the Eagle Dojo this weekend!
Unfortunately at short notice we have been made aware of a seminar this coming weekend at the Eagle Dojo, Nottingham. Fortunately, however, this is a fantastic aikido opportunity, especially so close to our end of year grading, to further your training and make the most of prestigious teachers coming to Nottingham! As a 6th Dan, and student of Robert Mustard Shihan, Neil Saunders Sensei is an amazing aikidoka and teacher and offers an unmissable opportunity to train hard over the weekend and extend your skillset. At only £15 for 8 hours of training you should not miss this affordable chance to train with experienced teachers.
Find all the details below.
If this interests you then please let us know ASAP and we can register your attendance with the fee. Osu.
End of Year Grading!!!
The 4th and final grading of the year is coming next month and it should be this years biggest! If you have any doubts about grading then we urge you not to make a decision until at least the week of the test. Until then we recommend you give it your all and leave no room for doubts on the mat! You may surprise yourself and it is always important to finish a year on a high and what better Christmas present than a new belt? If it turns out that you are not quite ready then so be it, but at least you can say that you tried. With people anticipating to grade from 8th Kyu all the way up to Shodan this will be a great spectacle you should not miss.
Juniors: Grading will be on Saturday the 16th December for Nottingham students and only for Green Belt (5th Kyu) students and above and must be present in the Saturday 2nd class. The Derby junior grading will be on Thursday 21st December and again only for Green Belts and above – It is important you attend the Thursday Derby class if you want to grade here.
Adults: The adult grading, and showpiece event, will be on Wednesday 20th December at the Sneinton Dojo, Nottingham, and will start at 7pm.
Now is the time to consider grading, but please do not make a final decision before you have pushed yourself and put some hours in to try and ready yourself first because if you never push yourself you never know what you can achieve! Remember to find an uke if you need one!
Aikido Christmas Party
Saturday 16th December is our official day for this years aikido christmas party! The junior party will take place in the community centre immediately following the mornings junior classes and grading. There will be games, snacks, music, and a lot of good fun if last years party is anything to go by, so I promise you will be disappointed if you miss out on this one!
The adult party will also be on Saturday 16th December, despite previously deciding a different date. We will be meeting at a restaurant in Nottingham City Centre at around 6pm. We are yet to settle on a destination and any recommendations or preferences are welcome!
Over the Christmas and New Years Period the dojo will be closed for up to 2 weeks with our last class of 2017 being on Friday 22nd December, and our first class of 2018 being on Thursday 5th January. Therefore, the dojo will be closed on the following dates:
Saturday 23rd December
Monday 25th December
Tuesday 26th December
Wednesday 27th December
Thursday 29th December
Friday 30th December
Saturday 31st December
Monday 2nd January
Tuesday 3rd January
Wednesday 4th January
All classes are on as usual. Please see the timetable below.
All classes are on as usual. Please see the timetable below.
Seminar this weekend at the Eagle Dojo! See above for details! All other classes as normal.
All classes are on as usual. Please see the timetable below.
All classes are on as usual as we start preparing for next months grading! Please see timetable below.
All classes are on as usual. Please feel free to attend the weekend seminar in Nottingham!
Monday @ Dunkirk Abbey Campus: 3.15pm – 4.15pm
Tuesday @ Derby High: 3.45pm – 4.45pm (Large hall; Ages 8+)
Wednesday @ Derby High: 3.45pm – 4.45pm (Small hall; Ages 5-7)
Thursday @ Dunkirk Highfields: 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Friday @ Dunkirk Highfields: 3.30pm – 4.30pm (Advanced)
Nottingham Juniors :
Wednesday @ Snienton 7:00pm – 8:00pm ( Adult Junior Mixed)
Friday @ Lenton 5:30pm – 6:30pm ( All Juniors)
Saturday @ Lenton 10:00am – 11:00am ( All Juniors)
Saturday @ Lenton 11:00am – 12:00pm ( Junior High Grades)
Saturday @ Lenton 12:00pm – 1:00pm (Adult Junior Mixed)
Derby Juniors :
Thursday @ Sunnyhill 6:00pm – 7:00pm ( All Juniors )
Thursday @ Sunnyhill 7:00pm – 8:00pm ( Junior & Adult Mixed Class)
Nottingham dojo :
Monday : @ Snienton 7:00pm – 9:00pm : Regular Class
Tuesday : @ Lenton 7:00pm – 9:00pm : Special / Focus Class
Wednesday : @ Sneinton 7:00pm – 8:00pm : Beginner Class (Adult Junior Mixed)
Wednesday : @ Sneinton 8:00pm – 9:00pm : Advanced Class
Saturday : @ Lenton 12:00pm – 1:00pm : Adult Junior Mixed Class
Derby Dojo :
Thursday @Sunnyhill 7:00pm – 8:00pm, (Junior Adult mixed Class)
Thursday @Sunnyhill 8:00pm – 9:00pm, (Adult Class)
Rowan Garton
Assistant Instructor