Test, Seminar and Party

On the 19th December we will be holding our annual end of year test, seminar and party; for all Aikido Shoshinkan students this is not to be missed!

Long Eaton Judo Club, Kirkfields, Off Cross Street, Long Eaton Nottingham NG10 1HD
Test: 09:00 – 12:00
Please register for the test with Andy Hobday Sensei

Seminar: 13:00 – 16:00
Price: £5

Party: Via Fossa (Balcony)
44 Canal Street, Nottingham NG1 7EH
Tickets on Sale now: £10 per person (guests welcome)
Bouncers at doors, show your entry ticket otherwise you won’t be allowed in.

20:00 – Doors open: food, music, drinks
21:00 – Award Ceremony by Andy Hobday Sensei
23:00 – Draw (keep your entry ticket to win a prize!)
01:00 – Last order

Even if you are unable to attend the test or the seminar please come along to the party.
Please register and pay for the seminar and the party to:

Genevieve Nadeau: genevieve.nadeau@perceptive.com
Delphine Loliero: delphineloliero@hotmail.co.uk

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